Model / Volunteer Waiver

I understand that while training, participating and volunteering with Spotlight Couronne Internationale Inc., CIFAW, CKFW and EKFW events may come across confidential information. I agree that I will never disclose such confidential information to anyone.

I am aware that there may be hazards associated with these activities, and I voluntarily participate in them with the knowledge of those potential hazards.

I donʼt hold Spotlight Couronne Internationale Inc. responsible for my security, safety and well-being during the training, volunteering, casting, rehearsals, fashion show and travels. I will take all the precautions and security measures or have someone accompany me and be responsible for my security, safety and well-being.

Taking photos and videos are allowed, and posting to your social media is permitted and encouraged as long as the content is not violating company and personal privacy and not promoting negative and/or unlawful actions or messages affiliated with your position as model/volunteer of this organization.

I understand that no monetary payments are involved in volunteering and participating in the fashion show or any events.

Spotlight Couronne Internationale Inc. uses video and photographs for projects that are promotional , advertising, commercial and/ or archive in nature.

I waive ownership of any photographic records taken by Spotlight Couronne Internationale Inc., or photographers / videographers contacted by Spotlight Couronne Internationale  Inc.

I  agree to permit the Spotlight Couronne Internationale Inc. to use my image ( in photographic, digital, or electronic format),for and in studio publications, posters, website, or other media, without limitation, and agree not to make any claim for misappropriation of personality, breach of privacy, or other loss or damages against Spotlight Couronne Internationale Inc., CKFW, EKFW and CIFAW Calgary International Fashion and Arts Week in respect thereof.  I further agree to the inclusion of my name.

“It is agreed that as a model / volunteer , you will not directly or indirectly disclose confidential and or any information to anyone within the organization’s sponsors, volunteers, models, designers, production team and outside the organization.”

I have read and agree to uphold the expectations set forth by the above statements.

Parent/Guardian Release

I / We, the parents of _______________________ who is a at date of signature a minor under the age of eighteen (18) years, have read the above agreement and acknowledge that both we and our son/daughter have entered into this agreement with an understanding of its terms and conditions listed above.